
Fraud Detector and Email Verification Tool

Companies depend on consumer information that is accurate, complete, and consistent. Data integrity is the cornerstone for maintaining a healthy relationship with partners and customers—and it helps protect your bottom line. At Phonexa we are proud to present our comprehensive, multi-level approach to combating fraud and preserving data integrity.

verify tablet

Fraud Prevention

The focus of fraud prevention is getting answers. Is this information accurate? Is a consumer who they say they are? We work with partners whose technology is equipped to provide these answers with blistering accuracy and speed. That way you have the power to confirm critical details about personal information or IP addresses to keep your operation running smoothly.

Without accurate fraud prevention, businesses can see their risk increase, their consumer experience corrupted, or their revenue take a hit. Phonexa’s Fraud Prevention maintains a constant guard to keep your operations free of fraud threats.

Data Verification and Hygiene

To effectively combat fraud and maintain excellent data hygiene requires an intensive approach to data verification. Phonexa uses authoritative partners who are able to bring together the disparate elements of someone’s digital identity in order to keep every data entry verified and secure.

With data hygiene, you are able to catch errors and inaccuracies in your data before it can cause an issue. Count on Phonexa’s data hygiene procedures to reduce any data missteps and keep your lead flow clean and efficient.

Data Append

Marketing campaigns require precise data to operate at maximum efficiency and profitability. Don’t risk issues with email deliverability or call center roadblocks with inaccurate or incomplete data.

Keep your customer data updated and enriched with our data append services. Our partners allow your data to go further, connecting basic name and address information with other useful data that keeps your customer data timely and accurate.


We work with a wide array of trusted partners to
combat fraud and verify data.

  • equifax
  • google
  • ekata
  • ccc