How To Create Affiliate Marketing Content Using Generative AI

12 minute read
12 minute read

Love it or hate it, you cannot deny how much generative artificial intelligence (AI) has changed how businesses handle marketing today.

In this WebFX survey of US-based senior marketers, 44.5% say they use AI to create content, among other things. As an affiliate marketer who needs to create a ton of content to attract people to your referral program, it’s a no-brainer to use generative AI, too.

A pie chart showing 45.5% of US-based marketers use AI to create content

Since these AI tools can create different forms of content, from blog posts to emails to social media content to landing pages to video, you save a ton of time and money.

To stay ahead (or at least on par) with the competition, it’s crucial to find ways to use generative AI, the right way, to create the kind of affiliate marketing content your audience wants to see.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to do that.

Understand AI in Content Creation

First, you must understand what AI is and its role in content creation.

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence designed to create new content, like texts, images, and so on, based on its training data. The training data is usually an enormous volume of data the model combs through — recognizing patterns and structure.

After “learning” these patterns and structures, the AI model generates content in response to the prompts you input into the tool.

Note-taking, content creation, keyword research, generating simulations, and creating new product designs are just some of the many use cases of generative AI tools.

Common examples of generative AI are ChatGPT, Gemini,, DALL-E, etc.

Here are some specific ways AI has influenced content creation.

  • Content ideation: With AI, you no longer have to stare at the blinking cursor on a blank page. Instead, with a few prompts, you can get fresh angles and unique recommendations to improve your affiliate marketing content.
  • Content optimization: Your existing content can get a facelift using generative artificial intelligence. AI tools can analyze your affiliate marketing content and identify areas where you need to make improvements, whether to align with SEO best practices or to appeal to your audience.
  • Content generation: This is the most common use case for generative AI. Marketers use AI to generate different forms of content, from text to images, videos to sounds, etc.
  • Personalization: AI tools can tailor content to individuals or different segments of your audience based on their characteristics, preferences, or previous behavior. This personalization lets you deliver targeted messages or content to your audience.
  • Research: AI tools allow you to speed up content research. That way, you can save a ton of time when creating content. These tools handle tasks like audience research, generating video scripts, and creating blog post outlines.

While still in its early days, you can expect that AI tools will only continue to get better, as this is the worst they’d ever be. That’s why there is an emphasis on mastering AI marketing and using it to improve your work.

Advantages of AI in Content Creation

AI offers marketers a bunch of benefits that can make content creation more efficient and impactful. Here are some of the said advantages.

Advantages of using AI for affiliate content generation

1. Increased Efficiency

AI tools can automate repetitive aspects of content creation, allowing creators to produce content faster without compromising quality.

Time-saving is one of the biggest advantages that AI offers. AI can handle tasks like basic writing, outlining, and the like. The time you’d have otherwise spent on these tasks can then be spent on more strategic tasks.

2. Enhanced Personalization

With a million things fighting for your audience’s attention, delivering content they want to see at the right time is vital. This requires a high level of personalization.

AI can analyze data to create highly personalized content for different audience segments, improving user experience and engagement.

3. Improved SEO

AI’s ability to create search-optimized content can result in improved rankings and significantly increased visibility for your content on the internet.

AI tools can highlight missing keywords in your articles, topics/sub-topics you’ve not covered yet, link-building opportunities, track search data to uncover patterns, etc.

4. Content Scalability

With AI, organizations can scale their content production to meet demand without a proportional increase in resources or time.

This advantage is handy for affiliate marketers who often need to create a large amount of content at a time.

5.Creative Assistance

AI can provide suggestions for improving content, such as generating ideas, recommending edits, and even creating drafts, enhancing the creative process. It can help you overcome creative blocks.

Challenges and Limitations of AI in Content Creation

Despite its advantages, you also encounter limitations and challenges when using AI to create content. Some of these challenges and constraints include:

1. Understanding Nuances

AI may struggle to understand context, sarcasm, and cultural nuances affecting content interpretation. For instance, AI might consider sarcasm or idioms to be fact-based statements.

As such, it could create content that means different things to people — especially if you serve various demographics. Some might understand it while others might not, or worse, even find it offensive.

2.Data Dependency

AI relies heavily on existing data, which can limit creativity and result in repetitive or derivative content. AI models are only as good as their training data. So, if the training data is biased or limited, you can expect that the AI’s output will be similar.

3.Importance of Human Oversight

Ensuring consistent quality and maintaining a brand’s voice can be challenging when AI generates content. Content from AI tools often contains outdated information and inaccurate references.

That’s why there’s still a need for humans to oversee the content AI generates. You need to fact-check and edit the AI-generated content to ensure its accuracy and consistency with your brand voice.

4.Technical Limitations

AI systems may not handle complex content requirements or adapt to new content formats without significant retraining.

There’s also the existing issue of over-reliance on its training data. In addition, AI systems cannot think for themselves. Therefore, they lack common sense or reasoning, cannot understand abstract concepts, and pick up social cues.

Do not forget what AI is — a tool like a sharp knife. In the hands of a seasoned chef, a knife is an extremely useful tool. It helps the chef do their work better. However, this same knife in the hands of a child can prove to be dangerous.

AI Tools and Platforms for Content Creation

Affiliate marketers can leverage the following AI tools and platforms to improve their content and boost their campaigns.

AI Writing Assistants

These tools have revolutionized content generation, offering high-quality writing assistance. Examples include:

Hire Mia 


CoSchedule’s Hire Mia speeds up content creation with AI tools designed specifically for marketing content. You can use Hire Mia to generate social messages, emails, ads, and more. With 1,100+ marketer-tested AI prompt templates, affiliates can easily scale content for Affiliate Partners easily.

An example of on-brand content created by Hire Mia


Hire Mia also includes robust Brand Voice Training, so you can ensure your AI-generated content meets brand and regulatory guidelines.



Following its launch, ChatGPT has remained among the most popular AI tools in the market. Millions of people across different industries use it daily to create content.  It also works for language translation and content optimization.

A screenshot showcasing the abilities of ChatGPT to translate content instantly


Other AI writing assistants you could use include Jasper,, and Writesonic.

SEO Optimizers

Aside from providing writing assistance, some platforms use AI to offer keyword insights and content optimization suggestions. Here are some examples:



Surfer is an AI tool focusing on helping marketers create highly search-optimized content. With keyword research tools, auto-optimization features, and seamless integration with other software, it’s an excellent addition to your tech stack.

A screenshot showcasing how Surfer helps marketers create search-optimized content




This tool is valuable for affiliate marketers who want to go after keywords with high traffic but low competition. RankIQ also has an AI-powered content optimizer that helps you know what to add to your post to make it compete for the first position on the search engine results page.

A screenshot of RankIQ, an AI-powered content optimizer

Hire Mia


Hire Mia also includes an SEO Enhancer training module. This built-in sidebar analyzes content against SEO best practices and provides real-time changes to improve content optimization.

A screenshot showcasing Hire Mia's SEO Enhancer training module


Data Analytics Platforms

AI-driven solutions help content creators understand audience behavior and preferences. Examples of data analytics AI tools are:


CustomFit helps marketers segment their audience and hyper-personalize their message so that each visitor gets a unique experience. Depending on their buyer’s journey, you can use CustomFit to guide your customers through your desired path.

A screenshot showcasing the ability of CustomFit to guide prospects though the mapped-out customer journey.


Google Analytics


Google Analytics got an AI upgrade with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Now, you can get more automated insights into your audience’s behavior on your website. You can detect anomalies and conduct predictive analysis to improve your conversions.

A screenshot of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offering AI-based insights into the audience behavior


Looking for more AI tools? Here is a list of 17 top-of-the-class tools you can use for affiliate marketing.

Importance of Picking the Right Tool

You couldn’t pick up an ax to shave your head, nor would you use a razor to fell a tree. You must use the right tools for the proper occasion — including your marketing efforts.

As you’ve seen, AI tools come in different forms and with several strengths and uses. But you cannot use them all. You must choose the ones that meet your needs and can help you achieve your business goals.

Here are some key considerations when choosing an AI tool.

1. Your Goals

What do you hope to achieve with AI tools? Do you want to boost website traffic? Generate more leads? Improve conversions?

These are some questions you must answer before picking a tool.

Aside from your business goals, you should also consider the audience for which you’re creating content.

2. The Tool’s Features

Consider the content you need to create to achieve your marketing goals. Are they going to be long-form blog posts? Landing pages? Social media copy? Or something else?

It wouldn’t be wise to choose an AI tool known best for landing pages when what is needed is long-form blog posts.

Other features to consider are how well the tool integrates with other software in your tech stack and its ease of use.

3. Content Accuracy

AI tools don’t always generate accurate content. To reduce how much time is spent fact-checking or verifying generated content, it’s crucial to choose a tool with the smallest error margins.

4. Your Budget

You’d have to pay to use most AI tools — at least beyond the basic features they offer. And if care isn’t taken, these costs can quickly become significant.

So, before you commit, check what these tools cost over time (a quarter or year) and decide which ones offer the best value for your money.

5. Customer Support

You run into an issue with the AI tool you choose. When such issues happen, there must be a direct contact line with the tool’s support team. Without such a team, having your issues resolved would be difficult, which could lead to stress and even revenue loss.

So, leave glowing reviews on the AI tool’s homepage and focus on the reviews from past customers to know whether they have reliable customer support.

As you carefully consider these factors, you can be sure to choose an AI tool that meets your needs.

Best Practices for Leveraging AI in Content Creation

Ready to start using AI in your content creation? Here are some best practices to ensure you start off the right way.

Analyze content performance data to inform future AI-driven content strategies

Use AI to analyze metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, etc to identify the type of content that resonates the most with your audience. That way, you can invest more in creating the content type your audience likes.

Utilize AI for predictive content personalization to increase user engagement

AI can analyze historical data and current trends to predict how well new content might perform. This allows you to optimize your AI content strategy by focusing on topics and formats with a higher likelihood of success.

Implement AI-powered SEO tools for keyword research and optimization

AI tools can analyze your affiliate website content and suggest relevant seed keywords to get you started. That’s not all. You can also use AI tools to uncover specific long-tail keywords with higher conversion potential.

Another best practice is to use AI to categorize your keywords based on search intent. This approach will help you create affiliate content that matches your audience’s needs.

Integrate AI into content management systems for smarter content curation and distribution

Take AI backstage by integrating it into your content management system (CMS).

Use AI to identify trending topics/news and relevant high-performing content that your CMS can suggest you include in your content calendar.

If you use tags and categories on your website, you can use AI to quickly sort your website content into these different categories. Doing so saves you time and allows users to find related content easily.

On top of that, you can use AI to analyze existing content and suggest ways to repurpose it into different formats, for instance, from blog posts to infographics or podcasts into social media content.

Use AI to enhance multimedia content creation, such as video and image editing

If you use videos to promote your affiliate products, you can use AI to improve your video quality.

One way is by using AI to identify highlight reels from lengthy videos. Now, you don’t have to spend as much time editing as you already have the essential parts of your video.

AI can also stabilize shaky video footage, add transitions, or generate captions or subtitles.

For images, use AI to remove backgrounds or objects from images, sharpen blurry details, or generate new images based on what you need in your content at the time.

Get Your Affiliate Marketing Toolkit at Phonexa

Phonexa’s all-encompassing affiliate toolkit covers everything from paid to organic campaigns to selling or buying high-value leads in high-ticket niches—all brought to a single dashboard.


Here are the eight tools you get at a single price:

LMS Sync Lead tracking & distribution software
Call Logic Call tracking & distribution software
E-Delivery Bulk email & SMS marketing
Cloud PBX Cloud phone system
Lynx Click tracking software
Opt-Intel Suppression list management software
HitMetrix User behavior recording & analytics software
Books360 Automated accounting software


Build your plan now to grow your affiliate income, or book a demo to learn more about Phonexa.


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Start Using AI to Create Affiliate Marketing Content

AI is here to stay. So, it’s best to embrace it and use it to improve the quality of your work.

Think of it as a partner, not a replacement for human efforts or creativity. You can use AI to handle repetitive tasks, overcome writer’s block, create outlines, etc. However, ultimately, you’re still doing most of the strategic thinking.

As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for its application in content creation are limitless. Stay curious, experiment with different AI tools, and focus on using AI to empower your creativity and amplify your human voice in the ever-changing content landscape.

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Phonexa is the leading all-in-one platform for call tracking, lead distribution, email, marketing, and digital marketing. The Phonexa staff is responsible for authorship of Phonexa blog posts.
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