How to Successfully Coordinate Social Media with Email Marketing

Mark Kosin
4 minute read
Mark Kosin
4 minute read

Most companies are well-aware of the benefits of email marketing as a way to convert more leads and achieve growth. But many also know that social media marketing offers an opportunity to reach new prospects, seemingly putting marketing experts in a position to choose between exciting and youth-focused social media channels and reliable, “old-fashioned” email marketing.

In reality, there is no need to set up a false choice between social media marketing and email marketing. Even though social media has its advantages, email marketing and the implementation of email marketing software remains the clear cut choice for marketers.

It offers a direct pipeline to a highly interested and targeted audience and gives your business an opportunity to stand out from the noise.

The Value of Email Marketing

Because email marketing has been around for some time, there can be the perception that it’s an antiquated and thus less effective digital marketing strategy. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

Here are a few statistics from Social Media Today that show the impact of email:

  • Email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of 3,800%
  • You are 6 times more likely to get a click-thru from an email campaign than a tweet
  • 72% of consumers prefer to get promotional content via email than via social media

And while the reach of social media is far and wide, it still does not have the presence of email.

According to Social Media Today, 92% of online adults use email, and 61% use it on an average day. In short, email marketing is an absolute must for any business looking for short and long-term growth.

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With such a robust ROI, it’s no surprise that email marketing and investing in email marketing software remains popular for businesses of all types. It would be unwise for any company to ignore the benefits available from using email marketing.

The advantages of email marketing do not mean that social media marketing is less important.

Rather than trying to split attention and resources between your email and social initiatives, the most productive path forward is integrating your efforts so that you can get the maximum benefit out of both channels.

How to Coordinate Social Media with Email Marketing

The number one goal of coordinating your email marketing and social media efforts should be to grow your email subscriber list and extend the reach of your emails.

While social media can be a great way to communicate with customers and enhance your brand, ultimately, you’ll be able to achieve more by using email marketing. Here are three steps you can take to coordinate your social media and email marketing efforts.

1. Use social media to learn more about your subscribers

One very useful aspect of social media is that it is a repository of valuable data on all your prospects. Social profiles can include details such as education, place of employment, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and more.

You can invite your email subscribers to follow you on social media, thus giving you insight into all their key data points so that you can craft a more personalized message in your emails.

Connecting with your subscribers on social media will also give you another way to retarget them. Use your social media tools to create a custom audience for your next social media marketing campaign.

With the additional insight you’ll have, you will have a better opportunity to convert your prospects.

2. Invite your email subscribers to share on social media

Creating buttons that allow your subscribers to share parts of your emails on social media is one of the smartest ways to enhance your email subscriber list and boost your click-through-rate (CTR).

In fact, according to GetResponse, social sharing can boost your CTR by as much as 158%.

Offering social sharing is a smart strategy to add value to your emails, especially if you can find a way to incentivize your subscribers to share on social media by offering to give them a shout out on your social channels or your next email newsletter.

Including a social sharing button should be relatively easy to accomplish with your email marketing software.

Doing this can also expand your email reach because then every one of your subscribers who shares your email content on social media becomes an advertisement for your email list.

When others see your insights peppered across social media, you’ll have an opportunity to expand your subscriber list. 

3. Advertise your email list benefits on your social media

Just as much as you want to turn your email subscribers into spokespersons for your email list, you will also want to use your own social channels to publicize your emails.

You can leverage your social media audience to get emails from your followers so they can be added to your list. This can be done by setting up a simple lead generation card with a call to action.

Once you collect emails from your followers, you can upload them to your email marketing software to be segmented into different lists.

By expanding your email marketing list with social media, you are helping make your most effective marketing tool even more valuable.

Rather than seeing your marketing budget as a tug-of-war between email marketing and social media marketing, it’s much more efficient and beneficial to see the two channels as supporting each other in a perpetual cycle.

This effort will net you more social followers, more email subscribers, and more conversions.

Don’t forget to connect with Phonexa on Facebook and LinkedIn for new content and company updates.

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Mark Kosin
Mark Kosin was a Content Writer at Phonexa, covering topics such as SaaS technology, call tracking, lead generation, and digital marketing.
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