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G2 Ranks Phonexa No. 1 a Total of 19 Times Across 8 Categories in Summer 2022 Report

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Marketing automation platform Phonexa has claimed 19 first-place ranks across eight categories in the G2 Summer 2022 Reports, continuing its reign of competitive customer satisfaction rates among users from diverse industries and verticals.

The company competed high in the affiliate marketing, outbound call tracking, and inbound call tracking categories. Its first-place ranks included:

  • Meets Requirements (x6 categories)
  • Likelihood to Recommend (x5 categories)
  • Ease of Admin (x2 categories)
  • Has the product been a good partner in doing business? (x2 categories)
  • Affiliate Tracking (x1 category)
  • Commissions and Payouts (x1 category)
  • Affiliate Network (x1 category)
  • Customization (x1 category)

Phonexa additionally claimed 21 second-place ranks covering the platform’s performance and reliability, quality of support, advanced reporting capabilities, privacy, security, compliance, and other areas of interest.

“These rankings and incredible run of honors reflect the hard work and dependable customer service experience provided by our 24/7 customer success team,” said Mohd Abbas, Vice President of Onboarding and Customer Success for Phonexa. “Our specialists approach every customer with a clean slate and the flexibility to customize their touchpoints with Phonexa. That’s why we’ve achieved the remarkable trust of our clients and partners.”

The company collected new badges that speak to its continued ability to resonate with Phonexa users. Some of these new badges include:

  • Momentum Leader (Inbound Call Tracking)
  • Best Support (Affiliate Marketing)
  • Users Most Likely to Recommend (Affiliate Marketing, Outbound Call Tracking)
  • High Performer (Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Call Tracking, and Outbound Call Tracking)
  • Best Estimated ROI (Outbound Call Tracking)
  • Easiest to Do Business With (Affiliate Marketing)
  • Best Meets Requirements (Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Call Tracking, and Outbound Call Tracking)

The G2 Summer 2022 Report further attests to Phonexa’s ability to understand and cater to businesses of all sizes.

“As we continue the large-scale expansion of our business across different verticals, these findings re-emphasize our dedication to staying true to all of our clients without compromising the quality of our partnerships or service to them,” said Phonexa CEO Lilit Davtyan. “We’re constantly creating and testing new technologies and solutions that serve the pain points for all our customers. That’s why these reviews are so valued for everyone in our company, especially as we continue to launch new products and features.”

During the second quarter of this year, Phonexa also launched HitMetrix, a user behavior recording and analytics tool that helps users optimize conversion rates and uncovers behavior data analytics on websites and landing pages.

Phonexa has taken this customer-first approach further with the recent appointment of Chelsey Reynolds as its Senior Director of Onboarding to lead the team in deploying new onboarding practices for a smooth client transition into Phonexa.

To learn more about Phonexa’s all-in-one marketing automation solution for calls, leads, clicks, email, SMS, accounting, and more, schedule a consultation or email

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Phonexa is the leading all-in-one platform for call tracking, lead distribution, email, marketing, and digital marketing. The Phonexa staff is responsible for authorship of Phonexa blog posts.
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