How To Reach Your Target Audience Using Marketing Automation

Kateryna Ryzha
Content Marketer
13 minute read
Kateryna Ryzha
Content Marketer
13 minute read

Marketing automation is essential for businesses and organizations seeking to optimize their marketing strategies. It is a powerful tool to help reach your target audience, create personalized customer experiences, generate more leads, and improve the ROI of your marketing efforts. 

But how do you use marketing automation to define the target audience, reach, and engage it? In this article, we’ll dive deeper into audience interactions, offer some target audience examples, and explore the best practices for reaching your target audiences using marketing automation.

What Is Target Audience?

The target audience refers to the group of people for which a message or advertisement is intended. Knowing the types of target audiences for every business is key when crafting any marketing campaign, as it helps focus efforts and optimize results. It also helps to establish goals by clarifying what the primary purpose of the campaign should be.

For example, if a company wants to launch a new product, it must first identify the target audience. Is the product intended for teenagers, young adults, or older people? Knowing this will help the company tailor a marketing campaign to meet the needs and interests of that particular group. 

On top of that, a business must consider factors such as target age, gender, income level, and lifestyle when crafting the message. Additionally, it needs to identify where its target audience spends time online or offline since this will help to choose which platforms to use when launching a campaign.

Phonexa is a great choice for businesses trying to reach their target audiences using lead distribution software. It provides various features and tools, such as lead generation, email campaigns, web tracking, and analytics, to help optimize the customer experience. Phonexa’s automated processes make it easy to create targeted campaigns based on user interests and behavior. 

With Phonexa, businesses can quickly build relationships with their target audiences, increase sales and improve the overall customer experience. It provides an efficient way to reach potential customers cost-effectively, helping businesses maximize their marketing efforts. 

To make sure you’re taking full advantage of the technology, it’s important to understand the best practices for marketing automation. By following these steps, you can ensure your marketing efforts are successful and reach your target audience.

Best Marketing Automation Practices To Reach Target Audience

Marketing automation has become a buzzword in the business world, and for good reason. It allows companies to streamline their marketing efforts, save time, and reach their target audience more effectively. 

However, like any tool, marketing automation is only as effective as the strategies and practices that accompany it. From segmentation and personalization to lead nurturing and analytics, we will cover the essential components of a successful marketing automation strategy.

By implementing the following practices, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and create a more personalized and engaging customer experience.

1. Identify the Target Audience

When creating a successful marketing and sales plan, producing an appealing message or finding appropriate methods to reach potential clients is nearly impossible without identifying your target audience. But if you are new to the business, you might question how to find your target audience. Let’s break this process into a few steps:

Establish Buyer Persona

Buyer personas represent your ideal consumers, and you can create them based on data from market research, customer surveys, and other sources. Creating and using buyer personas helps better understand your customers’ needs, demands, characteristics, and behavior. 

Buyer Persona

Source: Semrush

If you are not familiar with the process of establishing buyer personas, follow these steps:

  • Analyze existing customer data: One of the best ways to collect and analyze current customer data is CRM marketing automation tools. Customer relationship management may be used by businesses to track customer interactions across several channels and touchpoints, such as email, social media, and website visits. 
  • Conduct market research: Marketing automation systems conduct market research by gathering data from different online sources. This data may be used to determine your target audience’s qualities and preferences, such as age, gender, geography, hobbies, and purchase habits. Surveys and polls are great ways to get detailed insights from your target audience. You can ask questions that bother you and get honest answers. 
  • Use website analytics: Website analytics involves tracking and analyzing website visitors’ activity to find patterns and trends that might help you better understand your target audience. Marketing automation technologies like Google Analytics track and analyze the activity of website visitors. With this information, you may determine the most popular pages, products, or services and how users engage with your website. 

Once you collect all the information, you can add some visualization and create a persona profile to share with the rest of your team so that all of you are on the same page. 

Buyer Profile

Source: HubSpot

Segment Customers

According to Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations. To do so, they must deliver personalized experiences, which would be impossible without customer segmentation. 

Customer segmentation is an essential component of any effective marketing strategy, and it helps marketers to determine and target types of target audiences individually to provide a more personalized approach. Using marketing automation, brands can quickly classify customers based on various criteria, like demographic data, purchase history, and online behavior

For example, a perfume retailer wants to send a personalized “thank you” message and a 10% promotion for an upcoming product to customers who have just made a purchase. With marketing automation, he can easily do it and ensure that personally tailored messages reach the buyers. 

Test and Refine Your Campaigns

This step involves setting up automated processes to track user behavior, engagement metrics, and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand better how people interact with your brand.

  • Using Google Analytics, you can collect data on how users interact with your website and campaigns. It will give you insight into what kind of content resonates with your audience, which channels they’re using to access it, and any other patterns or trends that may be present.
  • You can also use A/B testing tools to split-test different versions of your content and campaigns. It is an easy process to implement, and at least 71% of businesses do at least two tests per month. It allows them to compare the performance metrics between each version and determine which is more effective in reaching your target audience.
  • You can also use marketing automation platforms to create personalized customer experiences based on their interactions with your brand. These tools can track user data and send personalized messages or content tailored to their interests, preferences, and needs. It can help you refine your campaigns further and make sure they’re reaching the people who are most likely to convert.

2. Create a Marketing Strategy Tailored to Your Target Audience

Here are a few tips companies use when setting up a marketing strategy focused on their target audiences: 

  • Create compelling content: Produce creative and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. It can include blog posts, videos, podcasts, webinars, or other content relevant to your target audience. About 48% of Content Effectiveness Report responders believe tailored content can seriously boost a brand’s income.
  • Capitalize on email marketing: By creating personalized messages and custom content tailored to the specific needs of each individual, you can ensure that your message is being heard by the customers who matter most. With email marketing, you can customize everything from subject lines to layouts, images, colors, and more. It allows you to create a unique and personalized message tailored specifically for your target audience. 

For instance, E-Delivery — Phonexa’s robust SMS and email marketing platform — enables companies to create custom campaigns, analyze performance, and optimize strategies for maximum effectiveness. As a result, businesses can leverage the power of email to increase their reach and engagement with customers while improving their ROI.

  • Engage through social media: Social media is an invaluable tool for targeting your audience, especially when it is getting increasingly popular. In 2021, more than 4.26 billion people used social media globally; by 2027, this figure is predicted to reach nearly six billion.


Create pages for your business on major social networks and use them to reach customers. If boosting ROI is one of your priorities, don’t miss out on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Also, engage with users by responding to their comments, questions, and concerns. 

Social Media Platforms

Source: HubSpot

  • Apply search engine optimization (SEO): This helps ensure your target audience can easily find your business when searching for relevant terms. For example, if your target audience is interested in a certain product type, you can use keywords related to that product in your content and adjust the website design accordingly. It will help draw the attention of your target audience and make them likely to visit your website. 

3. Set Up the Marketing Automation Software and Tools

Once you have chosen the appropriate marketing automation software and tools, it is time to set them up. Setting up a marketing automation system requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some key steps to follow: 



Optimize your website

Ensure the website is optimized for mobile and search engines so potential customers can easily find it. Add analytics to track how visitors interact with your site, what they’re looking for, and where they’re coming from.

Set up landing pages

Create landing pages with forms to capture leads and track customer behavior. A clear call to action (CTA) on these pages will help visitors take the desired action, such as signing up for your mailing list or purchasing a product.

Develop workflows

Design workflows that are tailored to relevant customer actions. These can help you automate tasks such as sending welcome emails, follow-up emails after a purchase, or other triggered emails based on user behavior.

Track and analyze data

Monitor the data generated by each workflow and track how customers engage with your content. It will help you adjust your strategies and optimize the performance of your marketing automation system.

4. Nurture Your Leads

Nurturing leads involves creating automated campaigns that engage with your target audience over time. It can help you build relationships with your prospects, provide them value, and ultimately move them toward a purchase decision.

Here are the steps you can follow to nurture leads using marketing automation practices:

  1. Create a lead nurturing campaign: Set up automated email campaigns that deliver valuable content to your prospects over time. Use marketing automation tools to personalize these emails based on the segment your leads belong to.
  2. Score your leads: Assign scores to your leads based on their behavior and interactions with your campaigns. It will help you identify which leads are ready to be passed on to sales.
  3. Align sales and marketing: Ensure your sales and marketing teams align on the lead nurturing process. It will help you create a seamless experience for your prospects as they move through the buyer’s journey.


5. Track, Analyze, and Update

Effective marketing that allows reaching target audiences becomes increasingly important as a business grows. Knowing how to track and analyze results is key to understanding what works and making necessary updates to reach your desired audience. 

  • Track your leads: This step involves gathering the performance of your campaigns, the number of leads generated, and the number of conversions. 

Phonexa’s innovative and automated solution for lead management, LMS Sync, can help you to keep a steady stream of leads. 

  • Analyze captured data: Any business needs to thoroughly understand its current state — financially and operationally — to make the right decisions to succeed. Knowing how you track against financial targets, customer satisfaction levels, delivery times, and more give you the information needed to make informed decisions.
  • Measure the effectiveness of campaigns: Predictive modeling by Phonexa uses advanced algorithms and data-driven insights to predict customer behavior and identify patterns that can be used to inform marketing strategies. By understanding customer needs, buying habits, and other factors, predictive models help marketers make better decisions about campaigns, target the right audiences, and track the success of their campaigns.

  • Recalibrate your strategies: Finally, it’s essential to continually update your outbound and inbound marketing strategies to keep up with changes in your target audience’s preferences and behavior. This involves analyzing the effectiveness of your current strategies and making changes as needed. For example, because the number of internet users who watch streaming or downloaded video is projected to increase annually and reach nearly 3.5 billion by 2023, you should shift your marketing strategy to focus more on video. By continually updating your approach, you can ensure that you effectively reach your target audience and stay ahead of the competition.

Benefits of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, as it can help save time and increase effectiveness in targeting customers. Here are a few key benefits of using marketing automation:

  1. Automation of routine tasks: Many repetitive or monotonous tasks like sending emails, tracking customer interactions, and collecting data can be automated.
  2. Improved targeting: Automation allows marketers to segment their audience and identify the right message for each user based on their behavior. This results in improved relevancy of campaigns, resulting in higher engagement levels with customers.
  3. Enhanced efficiency: With automated processes, businesses can work smarter by spending less time on manual tasks, freeing up resources that can be used to focus on more strategic activities.
  4. Increased ROI: Automation enables businesses to get the most out of their investments and maximize returns by improving customer relationships and leveraging data for better decision-making.
  5. Personalization: Automation makes it easier to personalize content, making customers feel more valued and increasing engagement with campaigns.
  6. Improved customer service: Businesses can provide better, faster customer service by automating responses and freeing up resources for more pressing issues.
  7. Cost savings: Companies can save money in the long run by reducing manual tasks. It also reduces personnel costs, as automation can help decrease the need for manual labor. 

Unlock Your Target Audience’s Potential With the Power of Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is an essential component of a successful business strategy. It can help you track leads and customer behavior, develop workflows to automate tasks, nurture your leads with automated campaigns, score leads to determine their readiness for sales engagement, and continually update your strategies to keep up with changing audience preferences. With these techniques in place, you can ensure that your business is well-equipped to reach maximum success.

Schedule a consultation with one of Phonexa’s experts and unlock the power of marketing automation to connect with more customers, generate more leads, and increase revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can marketing automation help me reach my target audience?

Marketing automation can help you identify and target your ideal customer more effectively. You can create tailored campaigns optimized for each target audience segment by leveraging data. On top of that, it helps to deliver more relevant messages and drive better results.

How do I determine my target audience for marketing automation?

To use marketing automation effectively, you must identify your ideal customers to reach your target audience. Start by creating buyer personas. Use market research and data analysis to determine which audience segments will most likely convert and tailor your marketing automation efforts accordingly.

What tools do I need to implement marketing automation?

Various tools are available for marketing automation, such as email marketing platforms, analytics and reporting software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and more. Depending on your needs, you may require different combinations of these tools to reach your goals. It’s important to research and find the right solutions for your business.

Got Questions?

Get in touch! We are available 24/7.

Kateryna Ryzha avatar
Kateryna Ryzha
Content Marketer

Kateryna Ryzha specializes in crafting compelling narratives for a diverse range of topics. Known for their ability to distill complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand copy, Kateryna excels in creating persuasive content that resonates with target audiences.

Education: Paderborn University

Expertise: Lead Generation, Digital Marketing, SEO Skills


  • Over 10 years of digital copywriting experience, specializing in SEO-optimized content

  • Expertise in crafting compelling copy for diverse industries, including technology, lifestyle, and e-commerce

  • Regular contributor to digital marketing blogs and guest lecturer on digital copywriting strategies

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