How The Right VoIP System Can Grow Your Pay-Per-Call Traffic

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Phone calls are way more profitable than web leads, but it’s also true that acquiring pay-per-call traffic is way more challenging. You need the right timing – around-the-clock availability – the right agent on the other end, and a system that glues it all together: a VoIP system.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems have long become the go-to solutions for call-reliant companies, offering unprecedented flexibility, scalability, safety, and speed. Whether you are an advertiser generating traffic for your sales department or an affiliate selling callers to merchants, the right VoIP system can grow your business exponentially, connecting the right client to the right live operator or optimizing their journey if the immediate connection is impossible.

VoIP systems can revolutionize your pay-per-call campaigns, so don’t even think about skipping this blog post. Read this one to the very end to figure out how VoIP systems work and how a well-chosen VoIP system can help you generate and sell more calls.

Source: GIPHY

What Is VoIP?

VoIP is a system that allows phone calls to take place over the Internet rather than traditional phone lines. By enabling quick worldwide communication, this innovation has altered the nature of human relationships. Because of their low cost and versatility, VoIP phones are quickly becoming popular among businesses and customers.

Here’s an example of an IP telephony system used in small business:

Scheme of an IP telephony system used in small business to route phone calls over the Internet

Source: Phone System for Small Business: What Is It and Why You Need It

How Does VoIP Work?

VoIP converts your speech into a digital signal (data packets) and sends these packets via a LAN or any other VoIP-compatible network. The VoIP system on the other end – yes, you need two compatible VoIP systems on both ends to use the technology – reassembles these data packets back into the analog signal so the recipient can hear the voice.

Here are some VoIP basics:


As said in the video, VoIP allows you to turn any internet-connected device into a phone. This is why we have so many different VoIP systems: computer-to-computer VoIP, computer-to-phone VoIP, enterprise-level VoIP, and more.

Statistics on the estimated future VoIP market size by the following years: 2025, 2026, 2027, 2031, and 2032

Source: HeadphonesAddict

For anyone running pay-per-call campaigns, VoIP technologies allow taking phone calls on the go, ensuring constant availability to your customers. Even when you’ve misrouted the call, the agent on the other end can quickly reroute the call to a colleague.

VoIP Glossary: The Terms You Need To Know

Bandwidth Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be sent through a network in a given time. The term “bandwidth” is sometimes used interchangeably with “internet speed;” however, it refers to the quantity of data that can be sent across a connection in a given length of time.
Throughput  Throughput is the amount of data that actually reaches its destination after accounting for issues like network latency, transfer rate, packet loss, and others.
Codecs A codec is a technique for compressing audio or video for transmission across the Internet. By compressing the data transferred across VoIP codecs, call latency & audio quality may be improved — Coding Standard for Encoding and Decompressing.
DSL Digital Subscriber Line is a high-speed data connection that uses the regular telephone lines that enter your house or office. DSL’s two main advantages for VoIP are its superior fault isolation and higher throughput because of less resource congestion.
IP “Internet Protocol,” or simply “IP,” refers to the standards regulating the data structure sent over the internet or a local area network. A device’s identity on the internet or a private network is denoted by its IP address.
IVR Interactive Voice Response is an automated phone system that allows callers to navigate menu options via touch-tone keypad selection or speech recognition to transfer calls to specific departments or operators.
Latency Latency refers to the time it takes for the other party to receive your transmission after you’ve spoken. Too high latency might prevent meaningful talks and cause irritation.
PBX The private branch exchange, or PBX, is a phone system for businesses that connects their phones to the public telephone network and manages call forwarding and switching.
RTP The Real-time Transport Protocol is a network protocol that allows voice calls to be transmitted over the Internet through real-time audio and video streams.
SIP  Trunking Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking enables users to conduct voice and data communications via the Internet. With SIP trunking, you may make international and domestic phone calls over the Internet using virtual phone lines (“trunks”).
Softphone A softphone is a virtual phone that enables users to make phone calls over the Internet using any device (desktop or mobile) with the software. In other words, softphones allow users to make and receive calls without a physical handset.

How Does a VoIP Call Occur?

With only a few simple actions, you can initiate a VoIP call:

  1. When a user calls a number, the call is routed via a router.
  2. A VoIP phone service server receives the call over the internet after being forwarded by the router.
  3. The call is sent via the recipient’s network and the local internet.
  4. The call is connected to the recipient’s IP phone or other device.


What Is the Difference Between VoIP And Landline Phones?

Voice-over-IP relies on the Internet, whereas conventional landlines do not, with all the ensuing consequences. Unlike a landline, VoIP doesn’t limit you to just one device.

Graphical representation of the concept of VoIP

VoIP calls are also safer than those made with a regular home phone service since they are routed through the internet rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). This reduces the likelihood of eavesdropping or interception and shortens the delay experienced by callers using Wi-Fi or mobile data.

How Much Does a VoIP System Cost?

The cost will be a major factor in selecting a VoIP service provider. Aside from the cost, additional considerations include the provider’s reputation, features, customer support, etc.

Here are the main factors affecting the price of a VoIP phone system:

Setup Cost Setup costs should be minimal – VoIP already utilizes internet infrastructure – but you will likely have to pay activation and integration fees to synergize the system with your other products.
Cost per Customer A VoIP line typically costs $20 to $30 per user monthly. Toll-free minutes, call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, call recording, and individual caller ID are just a few of the standard features of a business phone system. Your PBX provider will probably let you choose between yearly and monthly billing cycles.
Connected Devices Each new VoIP user can cost you an extra. Likewise, the number of external lines (or “call paths”) can be a factor.

Likewise, a VoIP provider can include some no-cost phone time – toll-free minutes in your package – and VoIP hardware (for example, a new phone or an analog phone adaptor required to set up your VoIP system).

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Is a VoIP Phone System Cheaper Than a Landline?

Due to the high expense of setting up and maintaining traditional landline phone lines, VoIP is more affordable. While conventional landline installation might cost up to $3,000, VoIP can be set up for less than $400.

The typical savings a company might expect after implementing a VoIP system varies greatly based on factors such as the company size and the previous system in place. The savings are around 30 to 50 percent. One study found that up to 85% of businesses that switched from an on-premise to a cloud-based phone system save the most.

VoIP is much better for group and conference calls and has many other advantages for pay-per-call marketing. Its only weak spot is the need for a stable internet connection and constant power supply.

Essential VoIP Tools And Components

VoIP requires less gear than a standard phone line setup, but you’ll still want to have the basics covered and consider investing in a few extras for features and convenience.

Modem and Router A modem and router are the only components that are absolutely necessary for a VoIP system. The modem is required to connect to an ISP, while the router enables communication between network nodes by routing data packets.
VoIP Gateway A gateway can convert analog signals into data packets, handling dozens or even hundreds of calls at a time. It also makes PSTN, the traditional landline telephone infrastructure, easily communicate with the Internet, synergizing the two systems.
Desktop VoIP Phones Users unfamiliar with VoIP technology can feel more at ease with a VoIP desktop phone’s conventional appearance. At the same time, they learn to use its advanced features, such as a built-in display for caller identification and speed dialing and buttons for hold, transfer, and conference calls. VoIP devices may include headset jacks, microphone jacks, wireless headset adapter jacks, camera jacks, and other connectors.
Wireless VoIP Headsets VoIP headsets are wireless headphones that connect to a computer or similar device, eliminating the need for a separate desktop VoIP phone. The headset may come equipped with features like noise cancellation that enhance the quality of your calls.

How To Choose a VoIP Provider

The first step in choosing a VoIP provider is determining your needs.

Here are some popular VoIP configurations:

  • Hosted PBX: This sort of VoIP is often hosted locally, offering extensive capabilities in addition to a dependable server and security system
  • Cloud PBX: Based on cloud computing principles, this phone system is hosted on the cloud by a third-party provider and gives you access to VoIP capabilities while on the go
  • All-in-one: Many modern VoIP systems provide various corporate communication tools like video conferencing, screen sharing, IM, call forwarding, and other similar services
  • CPaaS: Communication Platform as a Service provides advanced technological connections and capabilities for enterprise-level communication requirements.

Upgrading Pay-Per-Call Campaigns with a VoIP Phone System

Going from a traditional phone service like a landline to a VoIP system is a big deal, and it can grow your profits exponentially by improving your call routing, response time, and call resolution rates. You will convert more callers while safely handling any call volumes and knowing your pay-per-call leads better as the new data arrives in the system.

Advanced Call Routing for Pay-Per-Call Traffic

A well-designed call routing system – powered by an Interactive Voice Response system – can help you deliver the right phone call to the right sales representative based on the predetermined criteria for this very call. For example, you can prioritize high-value calls – calls from exclusive phone leads – connecting them to your best-performing agents.

Graphical representation of a phone call processed by and IVR system, including possible processing options

Source: How To Turn Phone Calls into Quality Leads With Phonexa

Here are some popular distribution criteria for pay-per-call campaigns:

Performance Connecting profitable callers to the best-performing operators
Availability Connecting callers to the first available agent
Location Connecting callers to sales reps from their state
Language Connecting callers to native speakers in their language
Cherry-pick Allowing agents to select the alls they want to process

In most pay-per-call campaigns, the distribution criteria are mixed because you want to factor in multiple parameters to create a balanced call routing system.

For example, allowing agents to cherry-pick calls without limitation may lead to some leads being processed too late, which can cause a drop in conversion rates. On the other hand, connecting leads to the first available agent might not be a good idea either because not all agents have the same knowledge and potential to drive a specific call to a sale.

The Ultimate Guide for Call Tracking & Conversation Intelligence

Examine how businesses leverage call tracking and conversation intelligence tools to launch and manage winning call campaigns.


But then again, today’s pay-per-call affiliate software suites allow you to customize your call routing tree for every possible factor based on the very basic “if-then” principle. You can prioritize the distribution criteria that you deem the most valuable while backing it up with less valuable factors that might come into play under certain circumstances.

Here’s a simplified journey of a call:

Graphical representation of a simplified journey of a phone call

In reality, there will be many more (overlapping) factors that will decide the journey of your call leads. At the same time, pay-per-call campaigns are easier than traditional marketing campaigns because you know the callers you buy – their demographics and exclusivity, at least – and, therefore, can take this information into account when developing your call routing scheme.

Around-the-Clock Availability To Process Every Pay-Per-Call Lead

Naturally, you must process the calls you buy immediately—most callers won’t recall after the first unsuccessful attempt—even if the primary line is busy, unavailable, or the lead is calling during off-hours. For such situations, you need well-thought-out call forwarding that distributes the calls evenly between offices, departments, and call agents, ensuring that nobody is overwhelmed.

In principle, call forwarding works the same way as call routing: first, you establish the forwarding criteria for your VoIP system – agent availability, time of the day, call volume, etc. – and the system automatically redirects the calls that match these criteria while the caller still gets the best possible experience.

Delivering the Best Call Experience to Pay-Per-Call Leads

Not only does an IVR replace a human receptionist, but it also provides the live operator with the essential information on the caller before the call. Knowing the caller’s age, call purpose – say, getting a life insurance policy – and ZIP code gives the live operator a head start in the conversation and saves time for the caller, making the call more efficient overall.

Source: GIPHY

This advantage grows with pay-per-call traffic. Since you can manually select the buying criteria for your calls, you can also prepare your live operators to handle specific types of calls. With a well-designed pay-per-call campaign, irrelevant calls shouldn’t even pass through your initial filters at the system or affiliate network where you buy these calls.

Scalability to Process Any Number of Pay-Per-Call Leads at a Time

Even though VoIP systems have certain limits, you can process many more calls at a much lower cost than with a traditional telephony system. With a cloud-based VoIP system, increasing the number of concurrent calls boils down to switching the subscription plan – the rest will be done by your VoIP software provider.

Numbers-wise, an entry-level VoIP system can suppose concurrent calls in dozens – up to around 50 calls – which is enough for small and many medium-sized businesses (remember, you can configure your IVR system and implement call forwarding to optimize the call routing). Switching to an advanced subscription plan might allow you to take hundreds of incoming calls at a time.

Real-Time and Post-Call Analytics of Paid Calls

While VoIP software doesn’t provide call analytics, it integrates with phone systems like Phonexa’s Cloud PBX, enabling detailed call evaluation.

    Where the call came from, how long it lasted, whether the routing was optimal, whether the caller converted, bounced, or requested further assistance – all these and more details will be unlocked with Cloud PBX integrated into an all-encompassing performance marketing & conversation intelligence ecosystem that unites eight proprietary solutions under one roof.

By implementing call intelligence software and using any Wi-Fi-enabled device like a softphone to make and receive calls and text messages, the data derived from phone conversations can follow you around.

Extra Features for Pay-Per-Call Campaigns

Thanks to VoIP technology, businesses may now text for professional purposes. This means you won’t have to worry about switching applications if a situation comes where texting rather than calling is more appropriate.

For instance, text transcription of voicemails allows you to transcribe voicemails and transmit them through text messages. Video conferencing is integral to most hosted VoIP phone systems, allowing for more effective and efficient business communications with clients and coworkers.

Revolutionizing Pay-Per-Call Campaigns with Cloud PBX from Phonexa

Everything discussed above holds true for Phonexa’s dedicated cloud phone system, Cloud PBX: You are accurate, fast, and can process a large number of calls simultaneously while getting exhaustive insights into your callers without disturbing them with a flood of questions.

Phonexa’s Cloud PBX can be an ideal choice if you need to manage a large volume of calls while providing a safe communication line for your company’s customers and employees. You won’t have to do much on your side—the system is ready to operate from day one after the initial set-up and integrations carried out by the support team.


Here are some basic features you’ll get with Cloud PBX:

Reasons To Rely on Cloud PBX Description
Dynamic Capabilities Displays caller journeys, allowing businesses to finish the loop and capitalize on growth prospects
Smart Call Routing Connects leads to the agent best suited to serve them based on agent scoring and agent queue availability
Integrated Solution Integrates with Phonexa platforms for call tracking, lead distribution, and more
Scalability Satisfies rising demand without the need to install bulky equipment
Increased Agent Productivity Uses call recording and agent scoring, which tracks keyword usage and conversions
Flexibility Allows businesses to connect to their phone system from anywhere without purchasing or upgrading hardware

Build a High-Performance Call and Web Lead Management Ecosystem with Phonexa

Corporate VoIP phone systems are a potent instrument for improving the efficiency of your pay-per-call campaigns, but they’re even more effective within a comprehensive system that covers the lead’s journey across channels and touchpoints.


This is what we offer at Phonexa – a unique suite of solutions that coordinates web performance and phone calls, enabling free data flows across campaigns. With Phonexa, you don’t have to limit yourself to data collected during or before a call but can dig much deeper into the caller’s journey, possibly back to the first touchpoint.

Here are the basic Phonexa products you need for selling or buying pay-per-call traffic:

Call Logic Underlying software for processing pay-per-call leads
Cloud PBX Dedicated VoIP phone system for inbound and outbound calls
Lynx Click tracking software to measure leads’ clicks and conversions

Here’s the full toolkit you’ll get at one price (use this online calculator):

LMS Sync Lead tracking & distribution software
E-Delivery Bulk email & SMS automation 
Opt-Intel Suppression list management software
HitMetrix Use behavior recording & analytics software
Books360 Automated accounting software

Get your all-in-one suite now, or book a demo to learn more about Phonexa.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How good is the call quality of a VoIP phone?

The sound quality of VoIP calls has been brought up as an issue on several occasions. People keep asking this, even though this technology has been available for decades. It’s understandable to be wary about business VoIP if your main exposure to the technology has been via free consumer services like Skype.

Free services are provided as promised, allowing users to make low-cost or free calls to loved ones. They are not obligated to provide customers with the highest possible standard of service. Since you are not contributing to the cost of operation, they have little need to provide enhancements or new features. Since home internet connections are often slower than those found in businesses, calls may be interrupted frequently, and the sound quality may need to improve.

However, VoIP services designed for businesses are of a far higher quality. Upgrades to high-definition voice quality are available on several of their plans. Put your worries about VoIP’s suitability for the quality requirements of your business to rest. VoIP call quality is superior to plain old telephone service (POTS) calls.

Can VoIP handle multiple calls?

The PBX server settings and available bandwidth will determine the results. Conference calls with hundreds of participants are possible with sufficient bandwidth. Your PBX, the server to which your VoIP phone is most directly attached, must be set up to support many incoming calls simultaneously.

Can I use a standard phone with VoIP?

Yes. With VoIP, you may make and take calls from any device, including standard landlines, without incurring extra charges.

Can I transfer my phone number to VoIP?

Yes! The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandated that VoIP companies enabled consumers to migrate their phone numbers a few years ago, provided that doing so is technically feasible. VoIP service providers can assist with this change.

Is VoIP cheaper than traditional phone services?

Yes! VoIP utilizes the internet to make phone calls, so you’ll end up saving a ton on long-distance fees. Calls inside the United States are often free, while international calls are much cheaper with VoIP than with a traditional landline.

What is a virtual number in VoIP?

A virtual number is a phone number that doesn’t belong to a certain company or individual. You may also utilize virtual phone numbers to monitor the success of individual ad campaigns.

Callers from far away may contact your office by dialing a local number.

Got Questions?

Get in touch! We are available 24/7.

The Ultimate Guide for Call Tracking & Conversation Intelligence


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Phonexa is the leading all-in-one platform for call tracking, lead distribution, email, marketing, and digital marketing. The Phonexa staff is responsible for authorship of Phonexa blog posts.
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