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Email & SMS Marketing

Why Email Segmentation Matters in 2025 and Beyond
Affiliate mailers, marketers, and brands continue to tackle the issue of standing out and creating...
The Power of Email Personalization [+ Proven Strategies]
Email marketing has come a long way from its humble beginnings. What started as simple...
How To Improve Email Deliverability for Your Business
With an incredible 13.3% CAGR, email marketing is one of the most profitable ways to...
How To Reach Your Target Audience Using Marketing Automation
Marketing automation is only as effective as the strategies and practices that accompany it. Explore the best marketing automation practices companies can use to reach their...

Phonexa’s Ping Post 2.0 delivers 376% ROI to Enterprise

Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions that generate robust ROI. Download the e-book below to learn more.

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How To Manage Suppression Lists [for Affiliates & Brands]
Let’s take a detailed look at how suppression list management works, its features, and its benefits.
What is Email Marketing Automation?
Consumers and businesses alike have been relying on email marketing for everything from order processes to brand engagement, and now because of new advancements and email...
5 Ways Email Marketers Can Master Omnichannel Strategies
When used correctly, email marketing can prove to be the most powerful omnichannel marketing strategy. Learn how communities like MailCon and products like E-Delivery can...
Why Email Marketing Is Still A Powerful Insurance Tool
Email marketing remains not only practical and widely used, but it is also the most profitable marketing channel for all insurance verticals. Here’s why.
Calls, Leads, Clicks, Email and SMS Industry Now Has A ‘Suite’ All-In-One Marketing Solution
Phonexa's first-to-market development is a groundbreaking one for the industry because this is the first time calls, leads, clicks, email, SMS, and accounting products are...
How to Increase Clicks With Great Email Subject Lines
What is the key to having all of your efforts work exactly the way they’re supposed to? We’ve outlined a few successful strategies for a successful email subject line.
Spotlight on Email Marketing: What Are the Best Email Marketing Services?
Finding the right email marketing service is an important process for companies of all sizes. To determine the best email marketing software for your business, you need to...

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